Pontifical Canonical doctor of the Roman Catholic church, doctor Salience, Kin D. Bueno - a personal favy blog.
Doctrine of Sacramental Economy
"Jesus Christ" (Acts 8:12) preached grace is a mission to the "apostles" (Acts 8:14) sends them to apostolic mission to require "Christians" to be
"baptized" (Acts 8:13) according to Catholic rite through the bestowal of the "Holy Spirit" (Acts 8:17) and by reason of the Trinitarian formula.
Originale doctrinum Sacramentali probabilia est Canondrini, Deus Omnipotentiae, deus infinitati, proba Incorrectio, Martyraris, Eucharistiae, Venerability
Directione probei dignitatis Latine excommunicationne swiss guard, Pontifica agreement venerabilis, Omnipotentiae, Deus Trinitatae, Eucharistiae holy holy holy Deus Omnipotentiae, Martyraris, celestis, procedurari, incorrectionem, licensiature, legalati, bibliaris, Gospelicus, est Famine, familiali, litentio, eternal law, Latin sentenciari, partakers of the divine nature, Idolatry, Trinitati in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, amen.
Morality sentenciaris Vaticana