Thursday, February 2, 2017

Preconception : Jurisdiction

Pontifical Canonical doctor of the Roman Catholic church, doctor Salience, Kin D. Bueno - a personal favy blog.

La Preconception
Doctrine of Preconception
"One person Jesus Christ" (Romans 6:17) saved the universe, saved us from sin, and delivered us from hell; saved us from the whims of the flesh.

La Jurisdiction
Doctrine of Jurisdiction
"One person Jesus Christ" (Romans 6:17) granted grace, grants grace, and be well.

La Mass
Doctrine of Mass
"One person Jesus Christ" (Romans 6:17) celebrated eternal mass and was eternally crucified, and was eternal in Crucifixis.

Originalle la Russe

La Real Presence
Doctrine of real presence
"I am the Bread of Life" (John 6:35) says Christ, and the Bread that springsforth grace to eternal life, and angelic predestination of Catholicism, and of Seraphic order.

La holy Presence
Doctrine of holy presence
"I am the Bread of life" (John 6:35) says Christ, the Bread of heaven and the Bread of the substantial life that we share, a life of abundance in grace and of mercy.

Age of reason: 2.2.2017 : reason is rational, otherwise, eternal.

Doctrine of IHS
"Hearts" (2 Corinthians 4:15) rumbles according to the one true Faith.

Latin superiority

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